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Pickering College Radio - 102.7 CHOP FM - Pickering College: 102.7 CHOP FMCHOP-FM aka 102.7 CHOP FM or simply as Pickering College Radio is a high school radio launched on Sep 28, 2007 and owned by Pickering College. Newmarket based station received license on Feb 1, 2007 and was proposed to air on a frequency of 102.7 MHz using a 5-watt transmitter. 28 hours of weekly programs were proposed as a part of Communications Technology department course. Moreover the music offered by the station would include rock, pop, acoustic Jazz, dance, blues and other Canadian and international music.

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More Abuot Pickering College: 102.7 CHOP-FM

The student-run station would provide all the essential training and skills for the students and faculty. Community interest contents including a morning show, sports updates featured programming, produced by students will serve the Newmarket Community. You can listen the volunteer’s radio online on the official site of Pickering College with a lot of other Academic stuff and info about courses etc. Here is the website: www.pickeringcollege.on.ca



Address: 16945 Bayview Avenue, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada L3Y 4X2

Tel: 905 895 1700

       1 877 895 1700

Email: info@pickeringcollege.on.ca
