Home Canada CBC Radio 2 89.9 FM

CBC Radio 2 89.9 FM


CBE-FM Ontario CBC Radio 2 89.9 FM launched on Oct 15, 1978 is a Windsor based English language station owned by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The radio became stereo on March 4, 1979. A satellite CBEF-1-FM at Leamington was set up on May 19, 1982. By 1984 the station was broadcasting a fulltime stereo service. In Sep 1997 the network was renamed as CBC Radio 2. CBE was mostly broadcasting the content of CBC Radio 2 but local music and arts were also making the part of programming.

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Listen CBC Radio 2 89.9 FM Windsor, Ontario. Stream may take a moment to load.

More About CBE 89.9 FM

In 2002 and 2008 transitional digital radio and nested broadcast relay transmitter licenses were approved by CRTC. The commission validated the license of the channel on May 28, 2013 until Aug 31, 2018. The advertising license to the CBC approved in 2013 for for Espace Musique and Radio 2 was not renewed by the CRTC in Aug 2016. The commission observed the noncompliance of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation with the terms agreed three years ago in Feb 2013. Audiences can listen to the local and national news, sports and weather updates, music and cultural programs and more. Follow the station on Facebook and Twitter. Here is the website: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor

CBE-FM 89.9 Programs

Windsor Morning Love Me The World The Current Review
As It Happens Ontario Today The Current q (radio)
Marvin’s Room Spark Afternoon Drive (London & Windsor) Quirks & Quarks
New Fire Witness The Debaters Ideas


Address: CBC Windsor Newsroom

825 Riverside Drive West

N9A 5K9

Tel: 519 255 3456

519 255 3563

Email: windsor@cbc.ca
