Home Canada FM 92.1 EST ONTARIEN



CHOD-FM Ontario FM 92.1 EST ONTARIEN legally known as CHOD-FM is a Cornwall based French language Adult Contemporary and Hit music station owned by La Radio communautaire Cornwall-Alexandria. La radio de l’est ontarien (Eastern Ontario Radio) is the catchphrase of the station. CRTC permitted the La Radio Communautaire on Feb 24, 1993 to establish a Type A community radio broadcasting on a frequency of 92.1 MHz using an ERP of 19,200 w. The Top 40 station would air 126 hours of programs /week out of which 28 hours would come from CIEL-FM at Longueuil. The commission observed that the new French community FM would not affect the already operating CFLG-FM and CJSS-AM in Cornwall.

Listen FM 92.1 EST ONTARIEN, Cornwall, ON Online

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CBC’s bid to reserve 92.1 would for it future plans was also rejected by CRTC in the course. FM 92.1 EST ONTARIEN went on air on May 1, 1994. In Jan 1995 the commission made amends to the CHOD’s license by maximizing the music dose to 79% and approved the cut of spoken word to 15%. The average ERP was increased to 34,167 w on March 26, 2012. Studios of the Franco-Ontarian community radio were relocated to Casselman in Oct 2016. CRTC approved the Cornwall-Alexandria Inc. application to launch a new satellite at Dunvegan; CHOD-FM-1 would operate on a frequency of 92.1 MHz. The best music of the years 70, 80,90,2000 and today can be enjoyed in Eastern Ontario online with Contests, (Concours) program schedule (Grille horaire) and more. Follow the EST ONTARIEN on Facebook. Here is the website: www.fm921.ca


Zone Lounge Classique POP Le Retour du 92.1
Ma radio le weekend Franol Le Reveil du 92.1
Bingo Radio Musique Samedis Country
Zone Live et Acoustique FM 92.1 Au Travail


Address: 1, rue Industriel, Casselman (Ontario) K0A 1M0

Tel: 1 877 921 0921

613 936 2463

Email: marc@fm921.ca

