Home Canada CIAX 98,3 FM

CIAX 98,3 FM


CIAX-FM QuébecCIAX 98,3 FM Windsor established in 2001 is community Radio that provides the public with a means of expression and communication that it recognizes. Community radio is concerned with broadcasting diversified and quality programming. It wants to be open to the community by welcoming programs and getting involved as much as possible during special events. CIAX also has the desire to make its audience discover new talents, while promoting artists from the region already established in the musical landscape of Quebec and elsewhere.

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More About CIAX 98,7

Owned by Carrefour jeunesse emploi-Comté Johnson, since January 22, 2001, CIAX Windsor broadcasts on the 98.3 FM. With its colorful, diverse programming and quality content 24×7 it reflects the lives of people in its community. A special interest is also taken by FM in the events taking place in its broadcasting territory. One of the goals since the early days of Windsor and Region’s Community Radio has been to give voice to the people of the region and to inform them of the dynamism of their corner of the country. CIAX 98,3 FM is much more than a local radio, it is a tool for mobilizing its community! Julie Lupien is the director at CIAX-FM 98.3. You can get involved in the station by becoming a member or volunteer (bénévole) and also faites un don (donate). Audiences can listen the radio online with Actualités, Programmation and Animateurs info, Émissions and find out more. Follow CIAX 98,3 FM on Facebook and Twitter. Here is the website: www.ciaxfm.net

CIAX 98,7 Programmation

Tout Nouveau, Tout Biblio Le Blitz CIAX Chronique du CAB
Tous Azimuts CIAX Musique Crik Crak Rock
Radio Molo Les Matins de Sylvain Les Campagnards du Country
All Feel Mix Tout Nouveau, Tout Biblio Métal Hurlant
Culture Émoi Une Histoire avant de dormir Kulturama
Les Immortels Voyage Voyage Samedi de lire
100 % Rétro Decrescendo Invasion Punk
100 % Latino Monsieur Folklore Québécois Rock ta nuit
Rock ta nuit Le Sly Show Les Campagnards du Country

CIAX 98,7 Animateurs


Julie Lupien Sylvain Sly Cabana Sébastien Côté Hani Ferland
Josée Parent Louise Tremblay Gaétan Graveline Gilles Roberge
Robin Charles Lavoie Dany Paquin Audrey Boulager Pierre Morey
Marie Hélène Jolin André Bouchard Michel Allard David Savage
Luc Lainé Pierre Trottier El-Jay Santo Amélie Boivin Handfield


Address: 49, 6e avenue

Windsor (Québec) J1S 1T2

Tel: 819 845 2692

Email: info@ciaxfm.net
